TMJ, Bruxism, Gum Disease Helped by Earthing

Chuck Munier, D.M.D., Augusta, Maine, general dentistry: “I was trained as a mechanical engineer before dentistry and take an engineer’s show-me attitude to new things. Earthing was brought to my attention br an enthusiastic patient. I was naturally skeptical. However, one night of sleeping on an Earthing sheet eliminated my skepticism.

” had been suffering for a few years with a chronic foot infection unresponsive to repeated medication. After one night grounded, I noticed a healing process underway. After one week, the infection was gone. Now, almost three years later, it has never returned. This was truly remarkable.

“I have been treating dental patients for forty years and have learned to manage inflammation as a key to avoiding and minimizing disease. Earthing adds an electrical approach to the dietary, lifestyle, and exercise model that I have used to address inflammation.

“Earthing effectively helps relieve patients with acute temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) or jaw pain, bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding), sinus issues, headaches, and sleeping and snoring problems.

An Earthing patch placed directly over the offending joint often rapidly reduces acute TMJ symptoms. Chronic problems take longer to respond.

“Periodontal (gum) disease is an inflammatory process that can be helped by anti-inflammatory medications. It responds as well to Earthing, which seems to limit inflammation in the body, and in so doing aids in the restoration of healthy gums.”

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