Sleeping grounded improve your heath

A couple of yeas before, I had been given a grounded sheet as a gift, but i was too skeptical. I stashed it in the closet. I sounded too weird to me.After the pain forced me to stop working. I was willing to try anything. I found the sheet and started sleeping grounded.

I only wish I had done that before. I experienced a change after the very first night. I had the best night’s sleep in years! The inflammation and pain eased a lot within a few days, and after four weeks the pain was gone!


A while later, I went back to see my doctor. She was impressed with the improvement in my overall heath. She told me that the improvement showed in my face. She said that I looked like a new person. She did X-rays on my hands and could not find any inflammation. She commented that the new medications must have been really working.

When I told her that I had not been taking any of the medications but just sleeping grounded, she looked puzzled. I told her I was going to keep doing it. And I have.

“Today, in 2013, I am still pain free, and in all these eight years or so I have not had to take even so much as an aspirin. I’ve been able to go sack to work, even hold down two jobs. This thing changed my life.

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