1)ln 2010, Earthing was tested on rodents in a laboratory setting.

The unpublished results revealed significant improvements in several) biochemical factors associated with metabolic syndrome in humans, a widespread precursor to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

2)In the experiment, two healthy groups of thirty rats each were used.One group was housed in cages fitted with grounded mats.

The other group, the control animals, lived in similar but ungrounded cages. Blood samples were taken every month for six months and analyzed.

3)Continued grounding resulted in progressive improvements.The substances monitored were alkaline phosphatase (an enzyme),triglycerides, blood sugar, and C-reactive protein (a widely used indicator of chronic inflammation discussed in the previous chapter).

The values of these substances were considerably lower in grounded animals, suggesting less risk for metabolic syndrome. Just as in the DOMS study, there were also fewer white blood cells measured.The results tie in neatly with the increase in metabolic activity docu-mented in the earlier experiment with human subjects where a relation-ship between Earthing and a more efficient cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system function was observed.

4)It makes sense that an increase inmetabolic activity results in a lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome.The experiment, along with other observations over the years, permit the suggestion–if nothing more at this time–that living in an ungrounded state may be another important cause of metabolic syndrome.

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